Rob Kastoun
Rob Kastoun


Performance Mentorship Phase 1 (Athletes Performance)

Performance Mentorship Phase 2 (Athletes Performance)

Portal Movement Certification

CampWestSide Barbell Special Strength Certification

WestSide Barbell Athletic Coaching Certification

Defranco CPPS Certified Physical Preparation Specialist

CrossFit Level 1 Coach

CrossFit Level 2 Coach

CrossFit Coaches Prep Course

CrossFit Kids

CrossFit Running

CrossFit Gymnastics

Poliquin Instant Muscle Strengthening Technique (PIMST)

Poliquin Biosignature Modulation

Level 1 Powerlifting Coaches Course

AWF Level 1 Club Weightlifting Coach License

AWF Level 2 State Weightlifting Coach LicensePose Tech Running

Advanced Strength Training (Performance Training Institute)

KettleBell training and Conditioning Coach (Performance Training Institute)

Punch Boxing and Kickboxing Trainer

Nutrition for Fat Loss Diploma

Performance Nutrition Diploma

Diploma of Nutrition and Medicine

Strong Fit Level 1

Strong Fit Coaching

Diploma of Fitness

Cert 111 in Fitness

Cert 1V in Fitness

Institute of London – Yoga and Pilates CertificationMTT Boot Camp Instructor Level 1 Certification

Director, Head Coach & “Master Chief”

Rob Kastoun


Keeping fit has always been my life! Growing up I was involved in martial arts rugby league and anything else that involved being outdoors and enjoying life.
I studied everything I could to help me develop my abilities to train and coach others. I wanted nothing more but to be in the fitness industry – this now become my focus and obsession! I eventually worked my way through gyms, fitness studios, and PT classes and was invited to work overseas in London and America. This passion of mine kept me overseas for a total of 8 years where I learned, studied, trained, coached, and developed my skills with the best! I have been back in Australia since 2008 and I am determined to educate others and help create lifestyles that are positive and healthy. I want to share my personal and professional experience, education, and abilities with all of my clients. Now a proud father of three I want to lead by example and make them proud of their dad!


Once I left school, and without a rigid and focused frame of mind I became unhealthy, overweight, and uncomfortable with myself. I smoked at least 2 packets of cigarettes a day and led a very unhealthy lifestyle that consisted of takeaway food, alcohol, and no training! I struggled with day-to-day activities, even walking, I put on a lot of weight, had no energy, and my blood pressure was high. As a result, I became a borderline diabetic with high cholesterol!
This lifestyle continued for about 3 years until I realized that I didn’t want to live like that, I wanted to go back to feeling good, keeping fit, and being happy. It wasn’t easy to get through this stage of life as an unhealthy way of living is always easier to maintain than a healthy one. I made a decision, believed that I could make the change, and took the plunge. I haven’t looked back since.


My drive is to revolutionize fitness and bring to my clients a cutting edge Centre that not only improves their overall well being physically but educates them on how to maintain a healthy mentality towards fitness for life! Always remember: Whatever you can conceive and truly believe you will absolutely achieve!