Guy Parkyns
Guy Parkyns


Crossfit Level 1

Muscle Nerds Health Program Design

Nutrition Bio-energetics Foundations course

Foundation Nutrition Nutritional Coaching Institute Level 1 Certification

Gut Health masterclass Hormone Specialist masterclass

Australian Institute of Fitness Certificate III in Fitness

Gym Instructor Certificate IV in Fitness

Personal Training Australian Strength & Conditioning Association ASCA Certification- Level 1

Head Coach

Guy Parkyns


With over a decade in the fitness industry, Guy carries with him a performance-driven attitude. Paired with a passion for human movement and deep knowledge of nutrition, this allows the best to be brought to those around him.


This would have to be in my early 20’s. I was fit, strong, and healthy but constantly tired, run-down, and questioning why I felt the way I did even though I was “in shape” I decided to invest in a nutrition coach and invest further in my own health. With my then coach's guidance, I quickly came to realise that I was over-trained, under- fuelled, and lacking recovery. With the almost immediate improvements that followed, as did my passion to be able to further help those around me, based on my own experiences.


Every day we are getting older, life is too short to not be in your best possible shape, at least at one point in your life. I am motivated by those who are wanting to be better, wanting to be in control of their health and seeking change in their fitness. I find passion in being there during each stage of that journey. To be the ears and voice when needed, to be the training partner or the coach, to be able to have some impact on them and their journey of becoming the best version of themselves.